At Mill Rythe, our English curriculum is broad, varied, creative and rich, designed to capture the imaginations of our learners.  It is our intention that our children become literate, coherent communicators who can effectively express themselves in a wide range of contexts and in a wide variety of ways.

We want to encourage our pupils to be inquisitive about vocabulary, to continue to grow their own vocabulary repertoire and to develop their ‘word consciousness’.  Language-rich pupils are effective communicators and strong comprehenders.  Vocabulary acquisition is not finite:  it’s a lifelong, ongoing process.  We want to develop active readers and writers with an interest in words and language, who possess the tools and strategies to seek out the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary.

Our intention is to ensure that all children at Mill Rythe become fluent and confident readers in order to improve children’s comprehension and to be able to enjoy a wide range of texts.  We recognise how vital reading is in helping us to understand the world around us and the opportunities being able to read well provides us with.  In order to access learning, at school and later on in life, children need to be able to read fluently.  All the time that reading is hard and not fluent, children’s brains are taken up recalling their phonic knowledge and decoding strategies and are not solely focused on understanding the words on the page. We strive to enable every child regardless of their background, needs or abilities to become a good reader and we aim to provide rich, engaging experiences of reading that inspire the child to become passionate lifelong readers.

To achieve this, we offer a rigorous phonics programme for those children that still need support to decode, alongside a range of strategies to support decoding and comprehension.  Regular and accurate assessment continually informs teaching of phonics, comprehension and fluency to ensure all children make rapid progress. The sequence of reading books is matched closely to the school’s phonics programme and until children reach the end of the phonics programme they take home a phonetically decodable book; which is either in line with or slightly behind sound progression in which children are being taught.

Both our reading and writing curriculum are supported through a wide range of text drivers that allow children to experience the very best of what has been written.


At Mill Rythe we recognise how vital reading is in helping us to understand the world around us.  In order to access learning, children need to be able to read fluently.  All the time that reading is hard and not fluent, children’s brains are taken up recalling their phonic knowledge and decoding strategies and are not solely focused on understanding the words on the page.

Our intention is to ensure that all children at Mill Rythe become fluent and confident readers in order to improve children’s comprehension and enjoyment of a wide range of texts.  To achieve this, we offer a rigorous phonics programme for those children that still need support to decode, alongside a range of strategies to support decoding and comprehension.  All classes across the key stage teach our ‘Daily Reading Strategies’, which are comprised of phonics, cumulative blending, sound buttons and ‘Fred Fingers’ and these are designed to enhance our rich reading curriculum and ensure that all children are able to access it.

Reading opportunities have been carefully planned into all curriculum subjects to ensure that children practise and rehearse their decoding and comprehension skills throughout their school day. In addition, the School Library Service provides us with high quality key texts to support and enhance our curriculum.

At Mill Rythe, we prioritise and celebrate reading. Each class has a termly class reader with carefully chosen texts in each year group and we have a dedicated ‘read for pleasure’ slot in our timetable each week.  We carefully plan in opportunities for reading across a range of genres and subjects, from PE lessons to Design Technology, so that children read for both pleasure and information.

In addition, each year group has 8 ‘Must Reads’ and it is expected that all children will have read and enjoyed all eight by the end of each school year.  ‘Must Reads’ are a range of age-appropriate texts from a range of genres, authors and themes and expose our children to a broad range of rich texts. You can find a list of year group must reads on the year group page.

Parental Support:

We hold regular Parent Workshops to support parents with reading strategies that they can use at home and to signpost additional resources.  Reading at home is vital in helping to foster a love of reading.  Below are year group lists of books that your child might enjoy reading at home.

Recommended Reads

Year 3 Recommended Books

Year 4 Recommended Books

Year 5 Recommended Books

Year 6 Recommended Books